Kooyer Farm


Reminiscing, Sharing, Celebrating

Along with service banners flying beneath Old Glory, the Centennial sign now stands in its proper place in the front yard of the farm William and Kate founded one hundred years ago. Thanks to each of you who attended and made this celebration a memorable event.

Whether it was a rousing rendition of We Will Remember, a multi-media presentation on the history of the farm, or simply a quiet walk through a lovely landscape, it is our hope that each of you found opportunity to celebrate an historic anniversary in a manner meaningful to you. It is our hope that with the perspective of a century, we can join with William and Kate and say:

        Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;

You have made my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

Surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 16, v5-6

On behalf of the planning committee and ALL who worked tirelessly these past months, spurred on by a love for the Farm,

Walt Kooyer and Kurt Kooijers